Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Kaiser Family Foundation Study

Many thoughts come to mind after reviewing the study. One of many is - how do we all not have horrible eyesight???? I imagine after exposing our eyesight to so much constant technology it would deteriorate our vision. The way these 8-18 year olds are increasing their daily usage of technology, they may all be in need of glasses at about early 30s.

In regards to the implications technology may have for education in general, my thoughts are as follows:

- There is absolutely no escaping technology. It is rapidly growing and expanding and it is better to be a part of the movement than to be left behind. I find that technology can be an asset in the educational world. Technology can provide more visuals for students and it is also something they can relate to, since they are constantly in some way, shape, or form connected to any or many forms of technology daily (and by the minute). If students can relate to what is being taught to them, then I believe they will exhibit more interest in the subject. As the study demonstrates, children between 8-18 are quite comfortable with a variety of technological forms. In order to grasp their attention and most importantly - maintain that attention, teachers need to be able to relate to them. Technology provides teachers with that tool in order to gap any potential bridge.

- In regards to my teaching in particular, I plan to definitely use technology to my advantage. I believe that it can make my job a little easier, more organized, and exciting with the use of technology. I believe that as the study demonstrates, the increasing usage of technology will only continue to increase more each year going forward. I view technology as a positive tool in my future teaching career.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that today's students are coming to school with all sorts of technology experience and expectations. The big challenge for educators I think, and a question I would pose to you, is where is that line between just enough and too much? How can educators make sure that they harness students' experience and abilities to make sure they develop as learners? I can't say I know the answer...

